Dean Russo

Dean Russo is a new York-based artist known for unique and colorful portraits of dogs of various breeds themselves. Today you can buy both originals and reproductions of his works. Dean Russo, who grew up in a family of carpenters, recalls: "we had a family business, we made easels, boxes, palettes, in a word, all wood products for artists. The house I grew up in was always full of artistic "stuff." In addition, my father and my grandfathers were both creative people, every day they created new developments and implemented new ideas. I had to become a creative person!» With a background in fine arts and graphics, and a member of the Brooklyn Artists ' Union and the Brooklyn Arts Council, Dean Russo works in a variety of art techniques. "For many years, I mostly drew portraits of people and did it at home, with my dogs at my side. Until one day I thought, why not draw two of my favorite creatures?» Inspired to write about dogs by his two Cocker spaniels, Montana and valley (both now deceased), Dean started doing charity work, along with various shelters and animal rescue centers, as well as trying to raise people's awareness.
