Anne Searle

Ann studied art and painting at Chesterfield College of art and studied graphic design at the London high school of art. She taught lithography and life drawing at Chesterfield College of art before moving to Surrey and then Staffordshire. Ann has been drawing her Floral portraits for more than 30 years, but she has never lost her excitement capturing them in paint. Working mainly in watercolors, she finds her endless variety a constant joy. All the growing things-vegetables, herbs, and weeds found in her cottage garden-are treated with the same degree of fine observation that makes her paintings in high demand. To keep up with the demand, major print houses in the UK, US and Europe reproduced her work as a limited edition and fine art publication, making her work available worldwide. As a dedicated professional artist, Anna says: "My painting is everything to me ... I work all day, and sometimes it still doesn't seem enough. I eat, sleep, and drink pictures!»
