Третьяковская галерея

This is a series of puzzles by the Russian company Stella, dedicated to the collection of paintings in the Moscow art Museum – Tretyakov gallery. Many of the presented mosaics are well known even to those who are far from art and do not particularly understand painting. Vrubel, Aivazovsky, Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Serov, Roerich-these are just some of the outstanding masters of the brush, whose works attract crowds of admirers in the halls of the Tretyakov gallery. You can now enjoy famous paintings in the form of mosaic reproductions.The series is rich in a variety of subjects-marine, epic; there are still lifes, portraits, abstractions and much more. Review of the Tretyakov gallery series >>>>>>>>
Stella puzzle 1000 items: Outing Stella puzzle 1000 items: Outing
Stella puzzle 1000 items: Outing
Vendor code: TG100014
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Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: at the spinning wheel Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: at the spinning wheel
Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: at the spinning wheel
Vendor code: TG100052
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Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: GE N.N. Bridge in Vico Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: GE N.N. Bridge in Vico
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Vendor code: TG100090
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Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: Composition 7 Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: Composition 7
Stella puzzle 1000 pieces: Composition 7
Vendor code: TG100021
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Vendor code: TG150243/у
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Stella 1000-piece puzzle: Vasnetsov A.M. Winter dream (MARKDOWN) Stella 1000-piece puzzle: Vasnetsov A.M. Winter dream (MARKDOWN)
Stella 1000-piece puzzle: Vasnetsov A.M. Winter dream (MARKDOWN)
Vendor code: TG100904/у2
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Vendor code: TG209219/у
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Puzzle Stella 2000 pieces: Moscow Courtyard (MARKDOWN) Puzzle Stella 2000 pieces: Moscow Courtyard (MARKDOWN) Puzzle Stella 2000 pieces: Moscow Courtyard (MARKDOWN)
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Vendor code: TG200342/у
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Stella puzzle 2000 pieces: Aivazovsky I.K. The Bay of Naples in the morning (MARKDOWN) Stella puzzle 2000 pieces: Aivazovsky I.K. The Bay of Naples in the morning (MARKDOWN)
Stella puzzle 2000 pieces: Aivazovsky I.K. The Bay of Naples in the morning (MARKDOWN)
Vendor code: TG209202/у
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Puzzle Rack of 1500 pieces: Sudeikin S.Y.Flowers in a clay vase (markdown) Puzzle Rack of 1500 pieces: Sudeikin S.Y.Flowers in a clay vase (markdown)
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Vendor code: TG159172/у
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Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Spring-big water Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Spring-big water
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Vendor code: TG200335
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Puzzle Stella 1500 details: Makovsky K.E. In the artist's studio Puzzle Stella 1500 details: Makovsky K.E. In the artist's studio
Puzzle Stella 1500 details: Makovsky K.E. In the artist's studio
Vendor code: TG159165
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Jigsaw puzzle Stella 1000 pcs: Girl with peaches Jigsaw puzzle Stella 1000 pcs: Girl with peaches
Jigsaw puzzle Stella 1000 pcs: Girl with peaches
Vendor code: TG100069
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Stella puzzle 1500 pieces: On the border Stella puzzle 1500 pieces: On the border
Stella puzzle 1500 pieces: On the border
Vendor code: TG150229
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Puzzle 1000 Stella: Kuindzhi A.I. Daryal gorge Puzzle 1000 Stella: Kuindzhi A.I. Daryal gorge
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Vendor code: TG100942
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Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Sirin and Alkonost. A song of joy and sorrow Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Sirin and Alkonost. A song of joy and sorrow
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Vendor code: TG200366
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Puzzle Stella 3000 details: Aivazovsky I.K. Meeting of fishermen Puzzle Stella 3000 details: Aivazovsky I.K. Meeting of fishermen
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Vendor code: TG309264
In stock
Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Toropov F. G. still life Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Toropov F. G. still life
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Vendor code: TG200397
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Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Nesterov, M. V. the Volga. Shepherd Puzzle Stella 2000 details: Nesterov, M. V. the Volga. Shepherd
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Vendor code: TG200380
In stock
The Stella 1000 puzzle details: K. P. Briullov Italian midday The Stella 1000 puzzle details: K. P. Briullov Italian midday
The Stella 1000 puzzle details: K. P. Briullov Italian midday
Vendor code: TG100083
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