Сослан Абаев

He was born in Tskhinval, Republic of South Ossetia. After graduating from school, he studied at the city School of Art at the Faculty of Painting with folk artists of South Ossetia B.Sanakoev and G.Kotaev. After serving in the Soviet Army, he became a student at the A.L.Stieglitz St. Petersburg Academy of Art and Industry. The teachers were Professors Sahenberg and Samoshkin. During his studies, he took part in creative exhibitions of young Russian artists. In 1990, he was accepted as a member of the Leningrad Association of Free Artists. He was at the forefront of the creators of the creative association "Maple Alley". The artist's paintings adorn the collections of residents of our city and many Russians. The author's works were acquired by foreigners and are in private collections in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Japan, China, the USA, England and other countries. The author presented his works to the local history museums of the Leningrad region and Karelia. In 2017, S.G.Abaev received the title of Honored Artist of South Ossetia.
Painting by numbers Snow White: Karelian motif Painting by numbers Snow White: Karelian motif Painting by numbers Snow White: Karelian motif
Painting by numbers Snow White: Karelian motif
Vendor code: 939-AS
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