Орлов П.Ф.

Pimen Orlov was born on the farm Malo-Khvoshchevaty Ostrogozhsky district of Voronezh province in the family of a miller. From early childhood, the boy showed extraordinary abilities and love for drawing. Parents, however, wanted their son to continue the family business and did not share their child's passion, besides, because of poverty, the peasant family could not allow their son to study painting seriously. However, young Pimen firmly decided to devote his life to fine art. As a teenager, he leaves home and becomes an apprentice to a traveling painter. Painters at that time were called not only those who paint houses, walls and fences, but also self-taught artists who had no special education. Many painters went from village to village, offering their services both in simple painting of floors, walls, fences, etc. and in the decoration of signs, posters, advertising posters, etc. Experienced painters often received orders for painting rural churches, decorative painting of the walls of rooms of landlords' estates and premises in public buildings. They also painted paintings commissioned by provincial landowners and other wealthy people. Read more >>>>>>>>>
Puzzle 2000 Stella: Orlov P.F. October Holiday in Rome Puzzle 2000 Stella: Orlov P.F. October Holiday in Rome
Puzzle 2000 Stella: Orlov P.F. October Holiday in Rome
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