Marie Amalia Bartolini
Marie Amalia is a French artist, born on November 9, 1961 in Paris.
Maria Amalia, the daughter of sculptor Cyrille Bartolini, winner of the First Rome Prize in 1957, and the artist "motionless under glass" Suzy Bartolini, has been attracted to drawing and painting since her early childhood. From 1980 to 1982, after receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree, she studied plastic art at the University of Paris, then in 1982 she entered the sculpture workshop of Georges Jeanclos at the National Graduate School of Fine Arts.
If in 1983 Maria Amalia won first place in a sculpture competition organized by the Kaplan Saint-Andre Foundation at the Porges-Pompidou Center, in 1984 she nevertheless abandoned this discipline in order to return to her true passion and learn from her mother painting on glass, also known as "eludoric painting" or even "painting on inverted glass".
She is a production designer for short films, TV movies, and television series.