Леонид Афремов

Leonid Afremov is a contemporary Belarusian artist who was born in Vitebsk in 1955. In 1978, he graduated from the Vitebsk school of art, founded by Marc Chagall in 1921. Along with Malevich and Kandinsky, Leonid Afremov is one of its honorary members. In the USSR, Leonid Afremov did not get the proper fame, his manner of painting and unwillingness to draw "ideologically correct" pictures did not give him such an opportunity. He lived and worked in Israel for about 12 years, then moved to the United States.  The uniqueness of Leonid Afremov's paintings lies in the unusual technique of their creation. Instead of a brush, the artist uses a special knife-spatula called "palette knife", which is used by artists to clean the canvas, remove excess layers of paint or to create some relief, texture. The result is incredibly bright and deep paintings made up of uneven brushstrokes.  Paintings by numbers by Leonid Afremov - an original gift to fans of painting of different ages. More detailed>>>
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