Wasgij Destiny

The wasgij Destiny series of puzzles by the Dutch company Jumbo is an attempt to look into the future, no less! The task of the owner of such an original puzzle "on the contrary" is to collect not the picture that he sees on the package, but the one that will show how its characters and objects will look in 20 years! The beauty will probably grow old, the respectable gentleman will probably gain fat, but what about the elephant in the middle of the street-will it stay here or will a new York skyscraper grow in this place?  Answer this and other questions will help the cherished box with the puzzle Wasgij Destiny, collect which will appeal to both children and adults! After all, the intrigue persists until the very end, especially since the reason for this is comical characters drawn in a cartoon style. They have colorful images, original outfits, original character and a great desire to be natural - funny, ridiculous, confused, and perhaps not without reason scared.  In our online store, you can choose puzzles from the Wasgij Destiny series, the stories of which you especially like!